Odelya® EN 10208 SAW Pipelines are manufactured according to Part 1 and Part 2 technical delivery conditions. EN 10208-1 includes standard quality requirements for pipes of class A, respectively, EN 10208-2 includes more stringent quality and test requirements for pipes of class B. Odelya® EN 10208 Line Pipes are produced by cold forming or normalizing forming with longitudinal seam (SAWL) or with helical seam (SAWH) through submerged arc welding process. Heat treatment is not applied for SAW line pipes.
You are now viewing EN 10218 page for "SAW-Spiral Pipes", to see the EN 10208 page for "ERW Line Pipes" please click here.Address: Organized industrial Zone DES
Sanayi sitesi, 110 sokak, No: 27
Ümraniye / İstanbul
Phone: +90 216 550 31 96
Fax: +90 216 550 31 29
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